What is carded wool?

The carded wool is used for felting in either the wet or dry version. Here you need a product with more loose and free fibres that can be made into a solid material by felting. You can also use carded wool if you want to spin your own yarn in the colours you like.

Carded wool for felting

Card wool is mostly used for needle felting. Here, you need a thick foam board to felt the wool on. You do this with a felt needle that is extra thin and has barbs. As you work the wool with the needle, the material will become firm and you can make patterns, shapes, brooches, decorations, ornaments and jewellery with this method.

Felting is an old needlework technique/method, and you can choose from a large selection of carded wool in different colours and in different wool types.

If you are creatively ambitious, you can try making the most beautiful, felted slippers. If you need some help and guidance to get started with felting, you can find a pattern to follow.

You can learn more about how to work with the carded wool here below.

Buy the type of carded wool that matches your type of hobby project

You can choose wool in individual product versions, or you can choose a mix where you get a set of different materials for your felting project. If you want to get started with needle felting or wet felting, it may be a good idea to choose a mixed package solution. This allows you to experiment with different felting techniques and you get the opportunity to work with different colour combinations.

You can recognise carded wool by its frayed, rough surface. It is a coarser product as it has not been spun. Depending on which type of wool you choose, you can find carded wool at budget-friendly prices. Once you have become more experienced with a technique, you can buy the wool in a finer quality, so you are ready to make the most elegant decorations and products.

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