Free knitting pattern for cloth in moss knit

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The pattern for the cloth is made in a beginner-friendly language, so that everyone can join in on it. You need to be able to cast on stitches and knit and purl.

Approximately one ball of Infinity Hearts Rose Big is needed for one piece, but you can always make your piece bigger (or smaller). However, we recommend that you buy two balls so you don't run out of yarn. Worst case you'll have for an extra cloth in the same colour.


The cloth measures approximately 25x25 cm, but may vary according to knitting tension


  • Yarn: Infinity Hearts Rose Big. Contains 100% cotton. 50 grams = approx. 83 metres.
  • Knitting needle: size 3.5-4 (if you are knitting tightly, use a needle size 4 - and use a needle size 4 if you are in doubt, the cloth will shrink a bit when washed)

Yarn consumption

1-2 balls, may vary according to knitting tension


Cast on 45 stitches (or add/subtract an even number of stitches)

When knitting the cloth, always purl the first stitch loosely off with the yarn in front of the piece (see pictures) and then loop the yarn behind the piece and continue. This method gives a more even edge.

Knit 6 rows


Now repeat the following row until you have a roughly square cloth:

Cast off first stitch, knit 7, purl 1, repeat *knit 1, purl 1* until you have 8 stitches left on the needle. Knit the last 8 stitches. Now turn and work the other way in the same manner.

When the cloth is roughly square (or desired size - check your remaining yarn), knit 6 rows and finish.
The cloth may be a little longer than it is wide, as it will shrink a little when washed.

To finish, knit two times, lift the back knit over the last stitch knitted and knit again. Continue like this until you have one stitch left on the needle, where you cut the yarn and pull the thread through the stitch.

Now fasten your ends.

The cloth is now finished!

Please show us your finished cloth on social media and use the hashtags #ritokrea #annaskjemt

Designed by: @annaskjemt on Instagram (Anna Skjemt) -

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