Hama Midi Pegboard Square White 14.5x14.5cm - 1 pcs

Reference: 381234 - Manufacturer: Hama

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Earphone Holder by Rito Krea - Bear Bead Pattern 6.5cm

Earphone Holder by Rito Krea - Bear Bead Pattern 6.5cm

Before: £1.35 £0.89 0.89 £
In stock (40+ pcs) - Delivery time 4-6 days.

Product specification

  • Length: 14,5 cm
  • Width: 14,5 cm
  • Material: plastic
  • Colour: White
  • Application: Suitable for medium tube beads
  • Shape: Square collecting plate
  • Labelling: CE marking

Product description

Hama Midi Pegboard Square White 14.5x14.5cm - 1 piece is a pegboard for midi tube beads, which can be put together with other plates of the same kind. The plate has small notches on two of the sides and corresponding notches under the bottom of the other two sides. This means that you can make a square plate in exactly the size you need. This allows you to make really big pegboard murals of your favourite motifs. You can also just put a few together and get the extra rows so you can fit the arm, leg, sword, extra word or whatever it is that just can't fit on a single plate.

Hama Midi Pegboard Square White 14.5x14.5cm - 1 piece is white. It measures approximately 15cm x 15cm on each side including the small prongs used to assemble the plates. Without the prongs, the pegboard itself is approximately 14.5cm on each side. The plates can be easily clicked together and easily taken apart again, but you still need to be careful when there are beads on the plates, as even small shakes can cause the beads to move.

Hama Midi Pegboard Square White 14.5x14.5cm - 1 piece is one of many pegboards for midi tube beads. The pegboard is from Hama, which is the leading manufacturer of tube beads and pegboards in Denmark. Most Danes know Hama tube beads from their childhood and know that the tube beads are put on the pegboards in exciting patterns to make beautiful pegboards, which are ironed to be fused together. It provides plenty of opportunity for creative expression and is something anyone, regardless of age and level of skill, can enjoy The Hama Midi pegboard Square White 14.5x14.5cm - 1 piece is no exception and can be used by both children and adults for many hours of cosy and creative entertainment.

These pegboards are CE marked, which means that they comply with EU legislation and legal requirements on product quality and have been assessed and tested before they are put on the market.

Featured patterns

Earphone Holder by Rito Krea - Bear Bead Pattern 6.5cm

Earphone Holder by Rito Krea - Bear Bead Pattern 6.5cm

EAN: 028178234959 (0 281782 234959)

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