Father Jens Bubble Cushion by Milla Billa – Yarn Kit for Crocheted Father Jens Bubble Cushion Size 45 x 45 cm

Reference: KIT-AMB-0102 - Manufacturer: Rito Krea

Before: £38.15 £21.95 21.9500004 £
In stock (40+ pcs) - Delivery time 4-6 days.

Product specification

  • Note: This yarn pack only contains yarn for the pattern.

Product description

ATTENTION! This yarn package only contains yarn for the crochet pattern. Click "Get instructions" to download the pattern on MillaBilla.dk, where you can also buy an ad-free version of the pattern

  • Production time: 18-20 hours
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Size: 45 x 45 cm

Far Jens is a wonderful crochet pattern for a super nice and modern bubble cushion.The cushion fits perfectly with Milla Billa's other crochet cushions with bubbles. For the Far Jens crochet pattern you need to be able to make chain stitches, double crochets and bubble stitches.